Roman Numeral Translation Calculator (2024)

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Roman Numeral Translation Calculator (1)

Welcome to our Roman Numeral Translation Calculator.

This calculator will convert from Roman numerals to the decimal (base-10) number system or from the decimal number system into Roman numerals.

Our converter will also show you detailed working out so you can create your own worked examples!

Roman Numeral Translation Calculator

How To Use our Converter

Here is our Roman numeral translation calculatorwhich will help you to convert roman numerals to decimal and decimal to roman numerals.

Our roman numeral translation calculator will also show you the formula and working out you need to convert between the two systems.

This convert will convert numbers up to six digits into Roman numerals.

Roman numeral translation calculator: How It Works...

Step 1) Choose which calculator you want - roman to decimal or decimal to roman

Step 2) Type in the number you want to convert.

Step 3) Click the Convert button and the answer will be displayed.

Roman Numeral Values

There are just 7 Roman numerals: I, V, X, L, C, D and M.

Unlike most other number systems, the numerals can only be used in particular sequences.

Another rule is that apart from M, you can only have a maximum of 3 of any given numeral in a row.

Here is a quick overview of the 7 Roman numerals and what each is worth.

Roman NumeralsValue

We can also use an overline with each Roman numeral which has the effect of multiplying the value by 1000, so:

Roman NumeralsValue

So XLMM would represent 42,000.

Different representations

Numbers over 4,000 can be written in different ways in Roman numerals:

The number 4,000 can be written:

  • MV
  • MMMM
  • IV

Our translator uses the format of the first example, so 4000 is represented by MV

Roman Numeral Translation Quick Table

This quick conversion table shows you some common roman number to decimal number conversions.

NumberRoman Numerals
NumberRoman Numerals

We have some more detailed Roman Numeral Lists, including printable sets below.

  • Roman Numerals Lists

Roman Numeral Translation

How to convert from Roman to decimal

To convert a Roman number to the decimal (base-10) number system,we need to group the Roman numerals into their values and then add them together.

One thing to remember when doing Roman numeral translation is that the Roman numbers usually go from bigger to smaller.

However, if a smaller value Roman numeral (I, X or C) comes before a larger value then it is subtracted from the larger numeral.

This gives us two simple rules for roman numeral translation:

  • When a smaller value numeral comes AFTER a larger value numeral it is ADDED
  • But if a smaller value numeral comes BEFORE a larger value numeral it is SUBTRACTED!

There are 6 different possibilities for when then smaller numeral comes BEFORE the larger value, namely:

  • IV = 4
  • IX = 9
  • XL = 40
  • XC = 90
  • CD = 400
  • CM = 900

An example is that C has the value 100 and X has the value 10.

  • CX is worth 100 + 10 = 110, BUT
  • XC is worth 100 - 10 = 90 because the X comes before the C.

Convert Roman numerals to Decimal Worked Examples

Example 1) What is XXIV as a number?

Step 1) Split up the Roman numerals into their values.


The IV has been written as one value because the I comes before the larger value V.

Step 2) Write down the values of each part.

X X IV = 10 + 10 + 4

Step 3) Add them up.

10 + 10 + 4 = 24

So XXIV is equal to 24 as a number.

Example 2) Write CDLXXVI as a number.

Step 1) Split up the Roman numerals into their values.


The CD has been written as one value because C (100) comes before the larger value D (500).

Step 2) Write down the values of each part.

CD L X X V I = 400 + 50 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1

Step 3) Add them up.

400 + 50 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 476

So CDLXXVI is equal to 476 as a number.

Example 3) Write MCMXLVIII as a number.

Step 1) Split up the Roman numerals into their values.


Step 2) Write down the values of each part.

M CM XL V I I I = 1000 + 900 + 40 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1

Step 3) Add them up.

1000 + 900 + 40 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1948

So MCMXLVIII is equal to 1948 as a number.

Convert Numbers to Roman Numerals

How to convert from numbers to Roman Numerals

To convert a decimal number (base-10) to the Roman number system,we need to change the decimal base-10 place value into Roman numerals representing their values.

The chart above can help to do this, or you can try your own worked examples below, on our Roman Numeral Translation calculator above.

Convert Numbers to Roman Numerals Worked Examples

Example 1) Convert 64 into Roman numerals.

Step 1) Look at what place values we have.

64 = 60 + 4

Step 2) Write each place value as Roman numerals.

  • 60 is LX
  • 4 is IV

Step 3) Put the numerals together.

So 64 = LX + IV or LXIV

So 64 is equal to LXIV in Roman numerals.

Example 2) Convert 397 into Roman numerals.

Step 1) Look at what place values we have.

397 = 300 + 90 + 7

Step 2) Write each place value as Roman numerals.

  • 300 is CCC
  • 90 is XC
  • 7 is VII

Step 3) Put the numerals together.

So 397 = CCC + XC + VII or CCCXCVII

So 397 is equal to CCCXCVII in Roman numerals.

Example 3) Convert 3489 into Roman numerals.

Step 1) Look at what place values we have.

3489 = 3000 + 400 + 80 + 9

Step 2) Write each place value as Roman numerals.

  • 3000 is MMM
  • 400 is CD
  • 80 is LXXX
  • 9 is IX

Step 3) Put the numerals together.


So 3489 is equal to MMMCDLXXXIX in Roman numerals.

More Roman Numerals Resources

Roman Numerals List

Our Roman Numeral lists can help you to quickly convert different numbers from Roman numerals to numbers.

The lists can also help you to spot patterns and understand how Roman numerals work.

We have a wide range of lists to help you with your Roman numeral conversion.

  • Roman Numerals List

Roman Numerals Worksheets

We also have a collection of Roman numerals worksheets for helping to learn how to convert from Roman numerals to numbers.

Our worksheets cater for a range of abilites and have differing levels of support.

  • Roman Numerals worksheets

More Recommended Math Resources

Take a look at some more of our resources similar to our mm to inches conversion calculator.

Other Number System Converters

Our number system converters will convert numbers from binary, octal or hexadecimal into decimal (or from decimal to binary, octal or hex).

The calculators also show you detailed working out so you can see how to do it yourself!

  • Online Binary-Decimal Converter

  • Convert Octal to Decimal

  • Hexadecimal to Decimal Converter

Prime Number Calculators

Our prime number calculator will help you to find all the factors of any given number and tell you whether or not the numberyou are looking at is prime or not.

The calculator will also show you your number as a product of primes.

  • Prime Number Calculators

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Roman Numeral Translation Calculator (10)

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Roman Numeral Translation Calculator (2024)


How to translate numbers into Roman Numerals? ›

In roman numerals, alphabets are used to represent the fixed positive numbers. These roman numerals are I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X represent 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively. After 10, the roman numerals are followed by XI for 11, XII for 12, XII for 13, … till XX for 20.

What is the translation of IXL in Roman Numerals? ›

The I stands for 1, the X for 10 and the L for 50. Now normally a value of 1, 10, 100 (C) next to a larger value subtract it from that value so IX=9 and XL=40 and so on, but you could either write XLI as 41or LIX as 59 or even LXI as 61.

Why is 3999 the highest Roman numeral? ›

The highest number that can be expressed in pure Roman numeral form is 3,999 which is written as MMMCMXCIX. This is because the number 4,000 would have to be written as MMMM, which goes against the principle of not having four consecutive letters of the same type together.

How can I memorize Roman Numerals easily? ›

A common way to memorize and remember Roman numbers is using mnemonics - sentences in which the first letters of the words would assist you remember. Two well-known mnemonics in descending order from 1000 (M) to 1 (I) are as follows: "MeDiCaL XaVIer". “My Dear Cat Loves Xtra Vitamins Intensely”.

What is XX in Roman numerals? ›

XX = 20. Hence, the value of Roman Numerals XX is 20.

What is the formula for converting number to Roman numerals? ›

Split the number into separate digits by accounting each of its units place as ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands, which is 1786 = 1000 + 700 + 80 + 6. Now, assign Roman numeral to each. 6 = VI, 80 = LXXX, 700 = DCC, and 1000 = M.

What is the hardest Roman numeral? ›

Well let's see…the Roman numerals I know of are I, V, X, L, C, and M. Of these, the hardest to chisel into stone—and chiseling them into stone was important to the Romans—was C, because it is the only one that is curved. So there is your answer: C.

What is XL called in roman numerals? ›

Why is 40 Written in Roman Numerals as XL? We know that in roman numerals, we write 40 as XL. Therefore, 40 in roman numerals is written as XL = 40.

Is IXL a valid Roman numeral? ›

For example, "XXX" and "XL" have other connotations in addition to their values as Roman numerals, while "IXL" more often than not is a gramogram of "I excel", and is in any case not an unambiguous Roman numeral.

What is z in Roman numerals? ›

Z, Symbol. the 26th in order or in a series, or, when I is omitted, the 25th. (sometimes l.c.) the medieval Roman numeral for 2000. Cf. Roman numerals.

Which Roman number is never repeated? ›

While writing a Roman numeral, only the numerals I, X, C and M can be repeated. V, L and D cannot be repeated.

What is 0 in Roman numerals? ›

There is no zero in Roman numerals.

Why are Roman numerals not taught in schools? ›

There's one reason that the symbols from the ancient Roman system of numerical notation eventually gave way to the Arabic numeral system that is familiar to people around the world: Roman numerals can be rather impractical and cumbersome to use.

What is d in Roman numerals? ›

The number 500 in Roman Numerals is directly represented by the letter D. Hence, there is no method to perform addition or subtraction for D Roman Numerals. Thus, the numerical value of D Roman Numerals is 500.

What is C in Roman numerals? ›

To write C roman numerals, we directly express it by the number 100. Therefore, 100 = C roman numeral.

How to do numbers in Roman numerals? ›

Basic principles
  1. I or j = 1.
  2. II or ij = 2 (1+1)
  3. III or iij = 3 (1+1+1)
  4. IIII or iiij or IV = 4 (1+1+1+1) or (5-1)
  5. V =5.
  6. VI or vj =6.
  7. VII or vij = 7 (5+1+1)
  8. VIII or viij = 8 (5+1+1+1)

How do you get Roman numerals on a keyboard? ›

Type or insert Roman numerals manually.

As you know, you can easily type Roman numerals using the I, V, X, L, C, D or M keys on your keyboard. Just hold down the Shift key or press Caps Lock before typing to ensure they're all capitalized.

How do you convert to 100 in Roman numerals? ›

100 = C. Hence, 100 in roman numbers is expressed as C.

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